
Ahrar is a social media service designed to empower users worldwide by offering a platform to freely express their thoughts, share their cherished moments, and connect with others. In an era increasingly dominated by mainstream social media platforms, Ahrar emerged to challenge the prevailing norms, ensuring authentic, unfiltered, and equitable visibility for all users.

Never Biased

Will always remain impartial to unjust political views, conflicts, or agendas

No Shadow Banning

Will never perform any shadow banning to any user or content creator

Fair Algorithms

No unfair advantages or disadvantages for any content or groups


Will always stand with what's right and uphold social responsibility

Mission Statement

Driven by our commitment to fairness for all, we aim to empower every voice through our platform's expansive reach. At the heart of our mission is a promise: no shadow banning, no biased algorithms, and no favoritism. We're not here to push any agendas, political or otherwise. We believe in doing what's right, underpinned by a deep sense of social responsibility.

We understand that with great power comes great responsibility. This belief shapes our commitment to ensuring our platform reflects the accountability we owe to our community, especially those with influence. Our goal is not just about being transparent; it's about being genuine and true in everything we do. This is our promise to you, as we invite you to join us in creating a space where every voice matters.

Be part of our mission!


Our vision goes beyond the confines of a social media platform; Ahrar marks the beginning of a broader journey. We aim to empower individuals worldwide while deeply committing to enriching our communities. This commitment extends beyond offering career opportunities to a broader ambition of fostering independence from the traditional tech landscape.

Ahrar signifies a pivotal step towards enabling regions to unlock their inherent potential for innovation and creativity, free from the constraints of established tech dominance. We believe in the untapped potential of local communities, recognising their capability to contribute significantly to the global economy. By providing these communities with the means to flourish independently, we are not just opening doors to new possibilities but also ensuring they become influential players in the global arena as they were always meant to be.

This initiative is about more than just participation; it's about transforming local communities into powerhouses of creativity and innovation. Through this approach, we aim to contribute to a global economy where every region can stand as an equal and effective member, showcasing the true value and diversity of its contributions.
Why a new social media platform?

Other mainstream social media platforms have become, wrongfully in many instances, essential to people of all ages and backgrounds around the world. These platforms claim to champion noble goals—connecting people and promoting freedom of speech. Yet, their actions often betray these ideals. By demonstrating double standards, neglecting social responsibility, prioritizing profit, and showing bias towards specific groups and ideologies, they undermine their own claimed mission. This not only compromises the pursuit of fairness but also obstructs the widespread dissemination of truth when it is most needed.


Ahrar is different. We want to connect people and provide a platform that facilitates freedom of speech for everyone—truly everyone. Social platforms must uphold social responsibility, and we are here to undertake that responsibility as a core pillar of what we stand for.

What can I use the Ahrar platform for?

You can use Ahrar to connect with people and stay close to friends, family, and everyone else you care about. Discover the latest from your favourite content creators and public figures, and see what's trending. Ahrar is your creative outlet, where you can share your thoughts or life events through videos, photos, and stories.

Is Ahrar a news platform?

No, it's not. It's a social media platform where content is generated by users around the world. Users are free to use it and share, responsibly, anything they want, whether that's news, thoughts, photos, or videos.

Does Ahrar employ algorithms?

Currently, Ahrar renders content in chronological order. This means you see content according to the posted date and time of the people you follow.


The content you see won't be "curated" or manipulated.

Would Ahrar impose any shadow banning on my content?

No. Ahrar will never shadowban any content. One fundamental reason for founding Ahrar was the shadow banning imposed by other mainstream platforms.

Does Ahrar have a web or desktop version?

Currently, Ahrar is only available as a mobile application that can be downloaded from the Apple and Google Play stores.

Where is Ahrar head quartered?

Ahrar has chosen Australia as its home and inaugural global headquarters, seeking a location where free speech is protected by law and where the risk of government intervention or bullying is minimised.

Where does Ahrar operate its servers and store data?

Our data centres are located in Dublin, Ireland.


We choose Dublin for its vibrant digital ecosystem at the heart of the fastest growing economy in the EU, with diverse connectivity options to Europe and the U.S. Dublin is also known for its strong data protection regime. 

Does Ahrar share data with anybody?

Ahrar will never share users' data with anyone unless absolutely necessary and at our sole discretion. Please review our privacy policy for more details.

Does Ahrar impose any censorship?

Ahrar may only censor content that is deemed inappropriate by the general population. This includes content that may include full nudity, copyrighted material without approval, illegal content, insulting content, harmful content, hate speech, bullying, harassment, etc. Please review our rules and policies for more details.

Why does Ahrar look similar to other apps?

As a first release, we want to provide a seamless experience for users switching from traditional mainstream social media platforms. Future versions will offer a unique experience, features, and capabilities.

How can I contact Ahrar?

Please visit our contact page for more information on how to reach us.